Contact us
We have collected some frequently asked questions and their answers on this page.
You can find your nearest Pentik store, check the opening hours and get more information about events at Pentik stores from Stores page. You can check the availability of the products in your favourite store from the webshop by clicking "Check store availability" link on the product page. The availability might change fast, so we recommend that you call the store and ask them to reserve the product for you.
To track your order, please view the shipping confirmation email for the link to the order tracking page. You can find information about shipping and payment here and about returns here.
More frequently asked questions.
Contact us
If you did not find help and the needed information on our website, please use this form to give feedback and to find out more about our products and services. We will contact you as soon as possible. You can also phone our customer service on Monday-Thursday from 10 to 18 and on Friday from 10 to 16 (EET), tel: +358 (0)16 372 2272.